I invite you to join the online exploration of this incredible new Quest! 


Turning the Molecules… to bring change


✨ 9x 20-Minutes Recordings

✨ Audio Replays

✨ Video Replays

✨ Downloadable
so you can carry them
you everywhere and
replay them at any time!


💫 ONLY $123 USD


Would you be interested in exploring something completely weird and different with your pain?


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Providing you with the space to know, no matter how bad debt is, you can live and have debt free moments, precious moments with your loves, and no more being frozen from debt.

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Providing you with the space to know, no matter how bad it feels, you can live in the now and experience full embodiment.

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🥂 Success Stories



Joyce Goldman 💸

I signed up for all 3 calls and wanted to report how amazed I was by Call 1 of the Stumbling Block series. It opened up a waterfall of pure energy really quickly. Also, although I didn't "feel" a difference after the pain series, I found a way to reduce pain I'd been having for 8 months when nothing else worked on. I'm convinced that learning how to turn the molecules led to this. When I win the lottery after practicing with the calls in the Debt series, I'll be sure to share! : )



Heather Glen 😲

Just before the "turning the molecules of pain" first class, I had a dream.  It was one of those dreams between waking up and actually getting up.  That snooze time.  Someone was very upset that I was dying.  But I was confused.  Why would they be upset when I could just snap my fingers and be back?  It was that energy of being able to turn the molecules to change anything.  It was super cool.  


We know that the molecules of living organisms are in constant communication with each other, storing and transmitting information both at the intracellular and energetic level as well as across vast distances.

 The mystery of how this communication occurs--whether through molecular structure, chemical reactions, entangled states, or some other method- are irrelevant when you learn the tool of turning the molecule in all unfavourable situations.

Each quest we'll dive into a hot topic and turn the molecule to enhance the molecular consciousness creating your life!


JOIN the Explorations ~

$123 USD 



Hi! 👋

My journey to a life of helping others to spot their gifts, obtaining the happiness, the body and the life they desire is an adventurous one!

My body and my life is constantly changing sizes, shape, health and emotional levels, as I'm sure your does, so I travel the globe inviting people to a shiny amazing world of possibility, no matter what they may look like, act like, think of themselves, judge about themselves, secretly hope for or secretly fear.

I invite you to use energy, your words, your actions, and your dreams to create ANYTHING! I’m living proof of it, and I have helped 1,000s of othersBelieve it or not, I used to be dynamically shy!

The Universe is aware of our presence friend,


"Leave the door open for the universe delivering magic to you even greater than you can possibly imagine!"

Are you ready to soar into the quantum field of oneness, consciousness, the universe and your very being?

Together, we'll turn molecules, shifting energy to return your universe to an ever-refreshing motion and flow.

Turning the molecules of your reality will release limitations, angst and unease which allow you to reclaim the potent unlimited you. This is an invitation to explore the vast possibilities in the universe and ignite profound, lasting change.


Welcome to Turning the Molecules – A guided meditation in action.

In the motion and flow of the universe, all things become possible

Ready to embark on this journey? Find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Let's start the turn.