Have you ever asked for one thing and you got the complete opposite? That’s because the energy behind
the words you are using does not match.
When you use words and you are congruent
with the energy you intended
then magic is created and lives change!
During the 1 & 2 day classes we will be taking samples of your conversations with;
Others, your body, your business, money, earth, etc and go through and explore the interactions to see where you were using words that weren’t congruent and why you got the opposite.
When you bring you and your vulnerability to look at what you were truly asking for with the asks that you put in the world, the future will be created.
What life and living can you create when you use words that match what you are targeting? EVERYTHING!
"I'm truly grateful for you You are truly amazing, such an inspiration and a gift. What would it take for all of us to be more and more of a generative contribution?"